For those who would like to download our Sunday morning programming or some of our more popular inspirational messages, here is a convenient listing, with links. Available in the popular mp3 audio format, these files are perfect for handheld mp3 players and smartphones. If you have any suggestions or problems downloading the files don’t hesitate to contact us.
View a listing of available Word of Life readings
View our Sunday Program Podcasts
View our Most Requested Messages
Sunday Program Podcasts
The following Podcast feeds of our popular, locally originated Sunday morning programs are available. For a listing the most recent programs select the link below the appropriate description.
Listing of Our Shepherd’s View Programming
Listing of Semillas de Esperanza Programming.
Listing of Con Permiso Programming.
Listing of Cathedral Sunday Mass Programming
A Collection Of Our Most Requested Messages
You asked for it. So many have called and asked for scripts and recordings of our positive messages that we wanted to post a couple of our most popular and asked for items. All of the links below are available in the Quicktime mov format or mp3, which allows reasonable good audio quality in a relatively small file.
- We Are Americans
- The Burning Hut
- I Corinthians 13
- “Slow Me Down”
- Escape!
- Columbus
- “High Flight”
- KLUX Sampler
Runtime: 3:30
The horrific images and events of September 11, 2001 will burn in our hearts and minds forever. In the wake of this great tragedy there has been a galvanization of the people of the US bringing everyone together to rebuild and rise above all. KLUX produced this 3 minute piece for airing immediately after the tragedy. Indeed We are Americans.
Runtime: 3:30
How many times have we felt that all was lost? How many times have we felt that God was not listening to us or didn’t care what happens to us? This poignant story so wonderfully told by Fr. Tom Goodwin illustrates that sometimes we are not really aware of the fact that indeed, God is listening. The next time you feel that God has abandon you… Think of The Burning Hut.
Runtime: 1:30
KLUX takes pride in presenting this unique presentation of St. Paul’s treatise on Love from his first letter to the Corinthians as part of its Living Scripture series. Yes… this is Scripture…. but wait… If you are not familiar with this passage, be patient and wait for the download to complete and begin. We promise that you will find that this message has meaning and touches everyone in some way. Even if you are not a believer, share this with your “significant other”. One can’t help but be touched by this poetic and moving instruction.
Runtime: 1:30
Things move so fast… Deadlines… Must Do’s…. meeting everyone’s expectations….. Ever feel that you want to stop the world for a while…. that the hectic pace that you keep is preventing you from truly experiencing God’s creation and those people that you love. Download this brief prayer and save it to your desktop so you can take …. “minute vacations”. If you are moving so fast that you are wondering what life is all about, this message is for you.
Runtime: 1:00
Bishop Edmond Carmody, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, is a native of Ireland and his delightful accent is familiar to everyone across South Texas. A skilled story teller Bishop Carmody tells about the concerns of a young boy illustrating the true meaning of love.
Runtime: 1:20
Bishop Emeritus Rene Gracida retired in 1997, but remains active in the life of the Church of Corpus Christi. In this message Bishop Gracida explains the importance of “keeping the faith” with a powerful analogy that highlights the determination of Christopher Columbus…… the ultimate salesman.
Runtime: 1:38
In the Days before cable TV and certainly before man walked on the Moon, most local television stations signed-off at midnight. Just before, or sometimes instead of the National Anthem some would air this reading while showing video of an Air Force pilot in his plane flying through the sky.
Runtime: 2:12
During the past 12 months KLUX has aired over 20,000 inspirational messages and over 40,000 public service announcments. Our commitment to our listeners is unmatched. This audio clip is a montage of just a few of the series of messages that we air. National, regional and local.